The members of the advisory board


Catherine Njau - Director

Deborah Healey

Stephen Alexander- Project coordinator

Jane Petring

Valerie Jakar

Joan Makere- IT and Advertisement designer

Raichle (Rai) Farrelly

Flavia Temu

Delphina Mamuya

Meet the team

Catherine Njau

Catherine James Njau is an English teacher in Tanzanian government school where she facilitates different activities and a teacher trainer, also she coordinates different English clubs for life skills and menstrual hygiene education. Currently she is a regional coordinator of Tanzania English Language Teachers' Association which is an affiliate of TESOL, and board member in Affiliation Network Professional council (ANPC), a Fulbright scholar , she is also a founder of theĀ  Kuleana Youth Empowerment organization.

Joan Makere

Joan Makere a student at Lyakirimu secondary school, she has passion in supporting the organization and implementing children's rights, she is also interested in IT and thus she is the IT designer for the organization.

Catherine Njau


Jane Petring

Stephen Alexander

Valleria Jakar

Joan Makere

IT and advertisement designer

Dr. Deborah Healey

Raichele (Rai) Farrelly

Join the team

Write a brief description of what you're looking for in a teammate.